Xfinity Hardware

`Evolving from an engineering lead products to devices that you are proud to have in your home


Xfinity was going through a transformation. They wanted to be customer led organization, but had been lead by engineering for so long.

As the creative leader, I worked to change perceptions within and externally to Comcast, and build a design team and a proper design process to elevate the physical hardware to be good guests in Xfinity’s customer’s homes.

When I arrived at Comcast, there was one designer who couldn’t talk directly to the manufacturers and could only hand over images instead of CAD. Since then we have a successful established process, with an internal industrial design team - that has released to market dozens of award winning products.

The work has been awarded both Utility & Design pattens, as well as awards from Red Dot, iF and more.


  • Built team’s span of control from Remotes and Set Top boxes, to all of Xfinity’s physical devices

  • Established and evolved design language as the Xfinity Brand evolved and customer needs changed.

  • Ensured team worked on all elements of design, from the external form, to labels, to getting started guides, lighting and packaging

  • Brought design thinking into industrial design practice with key focuses on physical/digital symbiotic relationship and human interface best practices.

  • Advocating and partnering with Business and Product leaders

  • Making necessary connections & collaboration with manufacturing partners, against internal log jams, to ensure work met customer needs.


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